
fringe: a night at the musicals

adelaide fringe: a night at the musicals
This is my second time seeing A Night At The Musicals by my favourite cabaret diva Le Gateau Chocolat and his partner in musical theatre crime Johnny Woo.

And while I don't think the overall structure of the show has changed (there might be one new number, I honestly don't remember), it's definitely found it's groove and developed into an even better experience.

This show, as Woo and Chocolat proudly proclaim, is where "musical theatre goes to die", and if that's the case, then it's a good death.

Phantom of the Opera, Little Shop of Horrors, Les Miserables, Beauty and the Beast, Chess, Cabaret, Frozen and Grease all get a thorough going over from the pair.

And they have great chemistry, especially when they're being evil to each other during the Little Shop of Horrors number. As is clear from the poster, this is not high illusion lipsync drag, this is genderbent drag with divas who can really sing.

Anyone who has read any of my previous reviews of Le Gateau Chocolat knows what I think of him and his amazing voice and it's definitely on show throughout... although one of the things I really love in this show is when he goes into his "comedy non-vocals warbling" in place of lyrics. And while The Song From Frozen still bothers me, I do adore Chocolat's version... which is, as he says, the gayest thing in the whole Fringe.

Woo's lip sync to At The End of the Day from Les Miserables is still a comedic tour de force, as is his Mein Herr from Cabaret where he molests some poor unsuspecting man from the audience.

At the end of the day if you love a good musical, if you love a good sing along, if you love a good man in a wig, if you love a good laugh, go see this show.

yani's rating: 4 quick changes out of 5

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