I think, all things considered, this was the latter rather than the former.
We started off in the usual fashion... and we took my car to the supermarket again to give it a run.
The fact that the weather is warming up is problematic, as I may have mentioned last week, if only insomuch as I really have no idea what the hell to make for weekday lunches.
I have a vague idea of something I could make tomorrow, but I'm pretty sure there's going to come a point where I not only don't want to cook, but I don't want a hot lunch. I might have to investigate the idea of having my overly excited dinner salads cold...
Sorry, random brain dump there...
Anyway, we did the usual supermarket thing, wandered around Target somewhat aimlessly, and then came back here.
The need to refill both of our Sodastream CO2 tubes took us to Arndale, where I also found a couple of things for work (useful desk related things), and after a general wander around we didn't have any other plans so we headed into the city.
I wanted to call into T2 for a refill of my Liquorice Legs tea but ended up having a long chat with one of the girls in the store about similar kinds of tea (to be honest, I don't really think there is any tea that's similarly flavoured, but I let her drag me around for a bit and then she got the new boy to brew me some sample teas.
I do tend to dislike tea blends where they're all "hey, apple" and when you brew it it smells of apple, but just tastes like hot water.
But again I digress.
We then walked from one end of Rundle Street/Mall to the other and headed around the corner to the new Jamie's Italian restaurant.
As I said yesterday, the main aim of the visit was to have another piece of the Tutti Frutti lemon meringue pie... but also to have a general poke around and just soak up the ambiance.
I definitely have to give the ambience a big fat tick... much more so than the place in Sydney, which feels very dark and closed in... not really surprising since its narrow and don't have a lot in the way of windows. But the Adelaide venue is the old bank building on the corner of North Terrace and King William Streets, and it's full of art deco details, big windows and light walls.
The most fun is to be had from visiting the bathrooms though... they're downstairs in what used to be the old bank vaults (which basically everything I've ever read about the place mentions at least once)... and I'll admit I had a slightly different idea of it in my head than the reality (as per the bottom, right hand side)... it's all the little details I like, plus the fact that other than the stalls there aren't really walls, just the bars.
There was a bit of a wait to be seated (technically I think we could have just had what we ended up having sitting in the bar area, but never mind), the hostess originally said it could be 40 minutes, but I'm pretty sure it was less than half that.
We did get one of the trainee/freshly trained waiters (easily identified by the fact they're in t-shirts rather than the crisp white shirts of regular wait staff.
And I know I said it when we were in Sydney last time, but I want to find the person responsible for picking out the white shirt/dark tie/apron/chunky leather belt/jeans combo... and then kiss them right on the mouth. It's a fucking hot look.
Anyway, our waiter was relentlessly perky and a little bit camp (although he "flirted" with the young ladies at the table next to us like a champ)... one thing you can never accuse the Jamie's Italian restaurants of is an inattentive staff... thankfully they don't hover to the point of annoyance either.
We didn't want a ton of food to eat, so we settled on one of the antipasto planks, which was delicious! Especially the capers and chillies and the cheeses. Mmmmmm!
Although there was a little bit of a mix-up, where we got someone else's plank, a plank for one, by mistake... they did sort it out pretty quickly though, but had I not been curious about the portion sizes given we got the "for two" option, we could have been halfway to wolfing it down by the time they sorted it out.
And although by the end of the meal I was very full, I could definitely have eaten another portion of the plank, since it was all delish!
But we had to leave room for the Tutti Fruitti pie... which, yet again, is not a dessert, it's sex on a plate (which, when I said it to the waiter, made the girl at the next table smile). And this was without doubt then highest meringue I've ever had on one of their pies... at least a third bigger than Sydney.
So by the end I was a very happy but very full little bunny.
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