This has been a much better week compared with last week, all things considered.
Sure, my apartment is still in a fair amount of disarray and I've had a stuffed up head all week long thanks to a head cold/clogged sinuses, but at least water wasn't falling out of the ceiling at all hours of the day and night!
However a distinct lack or substandard quality of sleep has been the majority of my issue this week. Some of it caused by the head cold and rampant water paranoia (especially earlier in the week), some of it self-inflicted from staying up until 2am playing Assassin's Creed II.
Other than that there's not a hell of a lot going on.
Last Sunday was my first Haircut Day since before Tink had the second Tink Jr... sadly I couldn't have a proper cuddle with the new baby since I was all full of lurgy, but it was still a fun morning just hanging out and finally getting my hair did. I have a feeling that Tink may have taken it a touch too short, but she was distracted by the fact that the baby wouldn't deal with not being held so she ended up putting her into a papoose and wearing her through the whole haircut.
I bought tickets for both the Stephen Fry Live: More Fool Me event ("live" in so much as the original event is live, I don't even think it's even live at the time we'll be watching it given the time difference) at Palace Nova as well as the next production from The Unseen Theatre Company at The Bakehouse Theatre, The Last Continent. I'll also be talking to Ma tomorrow about the Studio Ghibli Showcase that's on at Palace from last November to early December.
Because... events/experiences!
I also got my Legend of Korra t-shirts in the mail this week... and I have to say, just from a general t-shirt perspective, I'm loving Ript Apparel choice of shirts much more than just about any other company I've bought shirts from.
So, yeah, like I said, not a lot else going on...
Current Mood:
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