
somewhat spendy saturday shopping

Today turned out to be much more of a spendy day than I'd intended.

Everything started out pretty standard, although when Ma got here we took my car to the supermarket instead of hers to give it a little bit of a run.

The warmer the weather gets, the less certain I am about things to make on the weekend for weekday lunches. I ended up grabbing some stuff to make quiche with, so that will suffice for this week, but once we get to summer I'm going to get a little bit lost.

After the supermarket we wandered around Target, I found some shorts that should be nice come summer. At least in theory, I tend to hate how I look in shorts, but these aren't bad.

They also had some ceramic money boxes that were clearly supposed to be Lego bricks, even though they weren't branded in any way... so that also seemed like a good idea. It will be a better idea once I work out where the hell to put it.

Once we got back here and unpacked everything we decided to head off to both IKEA and Harbour Town because clearly I'm a glutton for punishment.

I really want something I can store my vacuum cleaner away in, but I've yet to see exactly what I want, or else something that I can easily convert into something suitable and that doesn't take up all the possible room and cost all the possible dollars.

At present the front runner is a Billy bookcase, but I feel like that's really too tall. If only they made quarter height ones...

Instead the wander around IKEA mostly consisted of picking up some storage containers, a new frame to replace the one destroyed when the ceiling leaked and the black and white striped fabric I want to get turned into kitchen curtains.

I have a feeling the last item is going to end up costing more than I'd like but at least they'll be exactly the curtains that I want.

From there we headed down to Harbour Town. Mostly I wanted to have a poke around in the EB Games (which I did, albeit unsuccessfully), but it seemed like everywhere was having some bumper sale.

I picked a couple of things up at the Bonds Store which was having a 40% off sale... some new trackpants, a sweatshirt and a t-shirt... then Ma found a work bag she liked somewhere else and thanks to some quick thinking by me (well, quick thinking that lead to asking the right question) she got one in grey rather than black... then I picked up one of those clocks where the numbers drop on little flaps from Typo for $7 since it seemed to be the only one left.

Seriously though, the Harbour Town here in Adelaide is just too damn big... it's all one long row of shops, which does bend at one point, but just keeps going. And once you've walked all the way to one end, you have to walk all the way back again.

But at least we actually walked away with some stuff instead of what usually happens, which is all that walking and then nothing to show for it.

I am a little knackered now though...

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