I woke up to a quite cool apartment... which was a pleasant surprise, since it was about 30°C outside (and that was before 6am)... I'm monumentally thankful for my air-con, but I'm still not used to the fact that it, you know, does what it says on the tin, as they say.
After I got up, I pottered around a little, made another attempt at tidying up the stuff at the end of the kitchen bench and then took the first shower in two weeks without my hand completely encased in a plastic bag!
It was also the first time that I've been able to give that hand a proper wash... which it clearly needed as (squeemish alert) the entire top layer of skin on my thumb just sloughed off as I rubbed it.
I did feel a little better once I got out and put the splint back on though. I'm glad I made a minor adjustment to the top edge of the splint with the aid of some boiling water last night though, just to stop the cut edge rubbing against my palm.
When Ma got here it was a bit of a shock to step outside in the warmer air, but we got straight in Ma's air-conditioned car, so it wasn't that bad.
The Supermarket Safari was a bit of a bumper edition this week due to the fact that I only bought as much as I could carry last week.
While we had a little wander around Target we spotted a couple of different "glass lanterns" that looked like they would fit the bill for an art doll that an artist friend in the US made me and that's been sitting in a plastic bag for far too many years (nine I think). I wasn't completely sure though, so I took a note of the dimensions to check against the doll.
Once we got back to my place there was a marathon unpacking session while we tried to work out what to do with the rest of the day.
In the end we decided to head down to West Lakes... there was always the chance that there might be something on at the movies (which there wasn't, and I should have been able to check the times in the paper, but it seems that the majority of the cinema chains don't bother putting movie times in the paper any more... if they bother to put an ad in at all), so we went with that.
We mostly had a wander around... I looked at the lanterns in Target again and decided (after some deliberation) that it was a decent solution to the problem.
I also grabbed one of the big, bright zebra prints from Kmart... I wanted something to brighten up the big blank wall in the bathroom/laundry, and it had to be something cheap so that I wouldn't really be bothered if it was effected by the humidity in the bathroom. It turned out to be the perfect thing... even if I can't put multiple stick-on hooks on the wall in a straight line to save my life.
After we dropped the purchases off in the car we grabbed a little bit of lunch at Cibo and then had a bit of a wander around to look at landline phones. It really does seem that all the phones around the place these days are cordless phones that come with multiple handsets... I just want a funky looking corded phone... is that so much to ask (thankfully I've spotted a few interesting ones on eBay that may fit the bill).
Then we headed back to my place after a quick detour at Bunnings for yet more of those removable hooks... seriously, I know I'm enjoying putting/having things up on the walls, but there really have been a lot of those little fuckers since I moved.
But it was nice to get back to my air-conditioned apartment.
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