We had two Fringe shows to attend, spaced about six hours apart, so it's been a little bit of a hurry, hurry, hurry, wait, hurry kind of day.
I woke up a little too early this morning, and it actually too me a few seconds to remember it was a Saturday.
One of the things that I do like about having moved to a new apartment (or possibly just because I'm around the house a lot more) is the house is pretty tidy most of the time, so I don't have to do as much tidying up on a Saturday morning.
Ma was running a little bit late, so she asked me to meet her downstairs so I wandered down at what I thought was the appropriate time and just chilled out sitting on the top of the letterboxes, idly drumming and wondering why there were so many goddamn small red cars on the road while I was waiting for a small red car.
The supermarket part of the day was all good... nothing overly radical and we tried to keep the running around to a minimum once the main shopping was done since we had to be at Gluttony by 11am.
After a quick unpacking session back at my place we headed into the city. I've been reasonably lucky with car parks in Hindmarsh Square over the last week or so, but sadly it wasn't to be this morning.
Once we did find a park elsewhere we wandered down to Gluttony for the very first show of the day, which was awesome (more on that later, obviously), and then we wandered back up Rundle Street and stopped off at Burger Theory so I could pick up my t-shirt reward from the I Am Frozen Custard crowdfunding campaign (which took a little while as we had to wait for the boys to bring some more shirts in the appropriate size, but it was worth the wait).
Ma's been wanting to visit the Haighs factory store for a couple of weeks, so that was our next stop, where we went a little bit crazy... but again, totally worth it.
I also needed an adaptor for my shiny new phone, so we headed down the Big W on Goodwood Road but unfortunately they didn't have the right ones, so we decided to head down to Marion since we were already headed in the right direction.
On the way down we swung past the Laygo store to see if they had any of the plates I need for the frame project... sadly they only had green ones, which weren't much good. The store is definitely worth a revisit though, I don't know that it necessarily has all that different stuff from anywhere else, but I pretty much just ran in, asked about the plates and then ran out again.
The main things I needed to do at Marion were to get the adaptor and also to get myself a fancy teacup and some tea from T2... I may have gotten a little over excited on the tea front... it's not the cheapest tea, but at least the teacup is very gorgeous. Now I just need to find a spot to keep it out on display somewhere.
We also grabbed some yoghurt from The Yoghurt Shop and while we were being served, I heard someone say my name and turned around to see one of the girls I used to work with (not directly, but she worked near us and we kind of adopted her as an unofficial part of the team). It was nice to see her and catch up a little, although for a change in those conversations I had more news... normally I'm all "yeah, same as always".
We got back here, I installed the new phone (only to discover that I either need a second line splitter or something... I don't exactly know, I have a feeling it's not going to be as easy as that given the way things are currently set up, but I'll work something out)... and after hearing it ring, I'm even more in love with it than before... it's the classic, old timey phone ring. Love, love, love!
But, like I said, it's going to need some fiddling to get it all to work properly.
I was also a little bit frightened when we went to pay for remainder of the hotel bill for our Sydney trip... to do it I needed to create an account for the hotel website, so I randomly picked a username (our surname and Ma's first initial) and a password, but once I entered them the computer already had all of Ma's details entered... I swear we didn't do that last time, and if we had it would have been a different username, and we didn't book the rooms online, so I have no idea why the hell the website already knew who Ma was.
Don't get me wrong, it was nice to not have to enter all the details, but a little bit freaky at the same time.
Then we headed back into the city for the second show and managed to score a park in Hindmarsh Square, although then the ticket machine ate $1.20 and wouldn't give it back... which was a little annoying.
After the second show (and after running into several of the cast as we wandered around looking for somewhere to eat), we headed over to Rundle Street for some dinner. I can only think that all of the eateries along Rundle Street must both love and hate the Fringe in equal measure... being a Saturday night and all, the place was heaving with people and the staff behind the counter were a little run off their feet.
It was a nice dinner though... we decided to try the pizza sliders (which is the same principle as the burger sliders, three mini pizzas of different flavours), which were very nice.
So, yeah, it doesn't necessarily sound like a lot, but we've been on the go for pretty much the whole day, but it's been a good day.
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