I can't decide whether or not I'm ready for the onslaught of Fringe... which doesn't leave me a lot of time to make my mind up since the Fringe parade is on as we speak, and Ma and I are off to our first show tomorrow.
Well, I say first... technically it's the first three shows back to back to back more or less. So I guess if I'm not ready now, I should be by the end of tomorrow.
And it seems like there are only two possible types of weather for the start of the Fringe, temperatures above 40°C or torrential rain. This year the roulette wheel stopped on torrential rain. Granted it stopped late this afternoon, but everything is still a wee bit soggy.
I also discovered exactly what it's like in my new apartment when it rains hard... it's not quite the scenario of a proper tin roof, although I am right under the roof... but when it rains hard, I can definitely hear it on the roof. I can also hear it and see it cascading out of the guttering on the building next door from the living room. Clearly they need to sort something out with the guttering, but to be honest it isn't that bad... I can't really hear it from the bedroom, and otherwise it's just a general kind of waterfall sound as it falls three storeys, which is actually kind of nice.
It also meant that I couldn't go for my walk this morning which was disappointing... I mean I could have but I would either have been walking with an umbrella or else been completely saturated within the first minute.
I also didn't realise that pools completely fill up after torrential rain... but I happened to notice that water in the pool belonging to the neighbours at the back was up to ground level and was slightly spreading out. It seems to be fixed now though.
That is one of the things that I like about living in North Adelaide... even if there was monumental flooding, my suburb is pretty much all on high ground, so no matter what my feet will stay relatively dry.
I've been more than a little bit restless this week... partly because it's been hot again, partly because I feel like I should be doing... something. Yeah, I'm not going to follow that thought any further at the risk of depressing myself.
Moving on...
Sometimes you have an experience that afterwards you keep remembering parts of and just smiling and shaking your head in general disbelief... and you also realise that you were slightly dazzled by the strangeness or uniqueness of said experience and not as much happened as you first thought. And given that I'm being so damn esoteric, clearly I'm talking about sex.
It was also even stranger because it was one of those guys who seem a bit flaky when you talk to them online and I just assumed it was going to be one of those "never going to happen" guys... and next thing, he's standing in my living room, buck naked.
So, yeah... that was a thing that happened.
I also seem to be a little bit cursed when it comes to baking... granted it would probably help if I was actually totally following a recipe, but I made some cupcakes that where the bake was really good, but they were frankly tasteless. So I've managed a tasty cake that had a disasterous bake and was essentially still batter in the middle... and some nicely baked muffins that tasted like nothing. Third time's the charm maybe?
I had both a haircut appointment with Tink and the first Espionage Gallery show of the year on yesterday. Originally I was going to go to Espionage, check out the show and then head off to Tink's place, but she messaged me and said she had a cancellation at 3pm and wondered if I wanted to come over earlier.
It seemed like a good plan, even though Tink Jr wasn't going to be safely tucked away in bed as usual. So I headed off to her new place, which is technically closer, but I swear that it took about as long to get to since I needed to head towards the city instead of away from it. Tink and her partner seem to have very specific taste in rental properties... the three places I've seen so far have all been hardwood and tiled floors, high ceilings, very minimal designs and either very new or clearly renovated. I know I'm not a minimal kind of person when it comes to home decor, but I've really liked all three of the places.
The haircut portion of the visit went pretty much the way haircuts always go... although we perhaps spent more time talking about Tink Jr since she was a whirling little ball of energy running about the place.
I still ended up sticking around for about the same amount of time as I usually do, which also meant I was a little bit late in getting to Espionage for the opening. It didn't help because I needed to come home first and get changed and then instead of going into town the way I usually do for Espionage shows, I tried going a different way but ended up having to take a massive detour because of all the traffic. However it was all a bit of a disaster and still ended up on the same road I usually use, but it took twice as long as if I'd just gone that way in the first place.
The Around the World in 80 Toys show turned out to be one of the better shows at Espionage... and I think possible the best vinyl toy shows that they've had... mostly I think because it was a range of different toy forms, and from a lot of established vinyl toy artists.
I hung out for a while, chatted with Josh some, then wandered down the Mall to get some money out of the bank... I had also intended to stop off at the Fringe kiosk to pick up some tickets to an extra show, but because I was running late, the kiosk was shut by the time that I got there... possibly it just means that I'm not supposed to go to that particular show. I dunno... I could just head out on Sunday and buy tickets right before the show. I haven't actually done that before, so that could be a thing. I'll depend on how I feel after Saturday I guess.
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