
random redhot hotness

This week's Random Hotness has a distinctly ginger tinge...

Thomas Knights is putting together a film and photography exhibition that celebrates the beauty of the red haired male, and which aims to re-brand the ginger male stereotype. And he's using crowdfunding to do it.

As Thomas says on the RED HOT Kickstarter page:
In the UK and throughout the world, being ginger and male comes with many stigmas attached. Many guys are bullied at school and for some, even later in life. As far as I can see, no one has focused (or noticed) the huge, polarised gap between the way our society perceives red headed women (often the ultimate woman - think Jessica Rabbit) and red headed males (often emasculated and de-sexualised in film and TV - no Hollywood heroes - no leading men).
I do love me a redheaded gent, as evidenced by previous Hotnesses, so never let it be said that I don't support our ginger brothers... especially when they look as good as these titan haired gods...

thomas knights' red hotthomas knights' red hot

thomas knights' red hotthomas knights' red hot

thomas knights' red hotthomas knights' red hot

thomas knights' red hotthomas knights' red hot

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