
photo friday: street creatures

croft beastfrankenpus
You officially know that your ongoing apartment cleaning fetish has gone pretty much as far as it's going to when you find yourself cleaning windows. Granted it wasn't as painful as all the jokes about not doing windows alludes to, however given the fact that 80% of the front wall of my apartment is actually all part of one giant window, it just took a while.

And I went through all of the paper towel I had.

But having cleaned all the windows, washed the flyscreens and whatnot I was both very pleased with myself and slightly surprised how much brighter my apartment seemed (mostly due to the flyscreens I think).

Although there are a few streaks on the top windows that occasionally bug me... although not quite enough to get the ladder out.

fitzroy beastshipster tryke
The Adelaide Fringe 2014 program launched today... and I'm not kidding but yesterday felt like Christmas Eve. So when 9:30 rolled around this morning I sat down with a cup of tea and started going through the list to check out what's coming for 2014.

I'm still making final decisions about what's officially making the list, but at present there's about 20 shows on the shortlist. There's clearly something about that number of shows since I've been to around that number the last couple of years.

reka beastskull chef
There are some shows returning that I've been to see in previous years, or performers that were in other shows have new shows:
Current Mood:

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