
forking parklands sunday

fork on the road - a bigger crowd but some major trucks missingfork on the road - the ball pit from delectaballs
Today was the November Fork on the Road, and given I missed the last one due to bookcase construction I wasn't going to miss out on this one...

And now I'm mostly full, fairly tired and somewhat contented in a way that only the combination of those two things are able to produce.

The afternoon didn't start out on the best note since Ma had scratched her shiny, still relatively new car on the gate on the way out, so she was a bit stressed and, I think a little shaken. Thankfully while she did kind of take a chunk out of the paint, most of the scratches were, I think, just a little bit of paint transfer from the gate and should clean off.

It also wasn't the easiest Fork to get to. It was in the south Parklands, but there wasn't anywhere really close by to park, so we ended up parking as close as we could given available parks and then legged it through the parklands.

fork on the road - spicy chicken nuggetsfork on the road - ma's dirty pancake
Sadly there were a few missing regulars, but there was still a decent enough variety of food... There were however a LOT of people. I don't know if it was just because it's a Sunday or because we got there a little later than we have on previous occasions, but the place was fairly packed, which meant some longer waiting times.

After we did a circuit to see what was around, I happened to see Wolfboy, the boyfriend of my former workmate, Owl Girl... and he pointed in her general direction and I went to say hello. Now, while I haven't seen her in the flesh since the August Fork, we do SMS each other on a semi regular basis, but she greeted me like a long lost friend who she hadn't seen in a million years. Which was nice.

So we hung out with them for a little bit... eventually I sent Ma off to get her first course of the spicy Daikon omelette from Simon Bryant's Dirt(y) Inc while I finished chatting.

They were actually about to head off, so it ended up being good, we took over their spot on the grass.

fork on the road - cake tin cakesfork on the road - cake tin menu
My first course ended up being the Ball Pit from Delectaballs, which was quite tasty, if a little strange... there were three meatballs, but then there was also like some loose meatball meat in the bottom... like I said, tasty but strange.

It did take forever for me to get the food though, that did kind of seemed to be the order of the day with everywhere more or less... but even so, it took a while.

I'd been intrigued by the GAN Taiwanese Chicken Nuggets truck... partly because it was bright yellow and not a truck I'd seen before, but also by the general idea of Taiwanese chicken nuggets. It turns out (thanks to Mr Google) that they're definitely a thing. And a tasty thing at that, even if they're not especially photogenic (the photo next to the omelette).

Next up it was definitely time for a refreshing beverage from Juicy Juice, another new kid on the block. I've been a little disappointed for the last few Forks that The Little Van That Could hasn't been around, but a Fruit Tingle from Juicy Juice was a nice alternative.

fork on the road - gelato boyfork on the road - tasty lemon gelato
We were pretty much done with the savoury side of things, so we decided to check out the wares on offer from yet another new vendor, The Little Cake Tin (as seen in the two photos above the previous section).

Naturally I couldn't go past the Rocks on the Road, and we decided to split a Vanilla Sky Pie. They were mostly tasty, but the marshmallow seemed very soft compared with the hard chocolate on top and the pastry was just too thick and overpowered the very delicate filling.

As always, I couldn't fail to stop off at Four Seeds for some brownies to take away, although by the time we got there they only had about three flavours left, so I grabbed a dark chocolate and a jaffa one (thereby reducing the total number of jaffa flavoured brownies they had left to zero).

Our last stop was a toss up between the Gelato pedalcart and the LocaPops stall for some general icy goodness, but it wasn't quite warm enough for LocaPops (which sounds weird), so we settled on gelato... lemon for me, chocolate for Ma.

So quite a pleasant Sunday really... different, but worthwhile.

Current Mood:

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