
hello wednesday dotpoints

hello wednesdayFive slightly long and rambly Wednesday dotpoints...
  • After yesterday containing an element of thumbtwiddling at work, today was full on... the phone, which I think has rung maybe three times in the last week just kept ringing... tasks kept piling up on my To Do list... and some of them weren't even tasks I should be doing... and then people kept wanting to come and either ask marginally dumb questions or chat, which normally is fine, but today... grrr...

  • The Bonds Slipper Socks I bought on the weekend are the BEST INVENTION EVER! Normally I wear socks around the house in Winter, but my feet still get cold. Since I started wearing the Slipper Socks my feet have been toasty warm... this comment has not in any way been paid for by Bonds, but if they want to slip me a few more pairs I'll say more nice things...

  • There was an interesting video on YouTube (no longer available due to a copyright claim by 1428 FILMS LLC) discussing how "gay" A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge is... especially given that the lead actor is now openly gay... and although it's probably the crappiest of all the Nightmare movies, it did make me want to go out and get the DVD...

  • I keep saying "oops" when unexpected things happen and it's really annoying me, especially when it's not a situation where "oops" is an appropriate response! It seems to have become my "default surprised noise"...

  • La Ninj is currently winging her way across the world to Canada... I asked her to bring me back a Mountie. Not sure how she's going to get one in her suitcase though...
Current Mood:

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