Doubly so in some ways because Ma was getting her hair did, so I went off on the Supermarket Safari. And has happens from time to time, they were doing stocktake or something so the supermarket was full of staff (most of whom looked about 12) counting things. It's enough to put one of one's shopping list!
Fortunately I'd already decided to take my headphones along, so I just cranked up the music and got on with things.
I managed to finish everything within about half an hour, then picked up my drycleaning and unpacked everything, read the paper and whatnot all before Ma got here.
Since we had the final Cabaret Festival show at 3pm, we figured we may as well spend the whole day in the city... but before we headed off I showed Ma one of the hotels I'd found in Melbourne... and after a couple of false starts in working out whether or not there were rooms available we figured we should probably book them.
Interestingly enough, the hotel isn't actually open yet... it only starts taking guests at the beginning of July... and when viewed on Google Maps, it's still a construction site.
So fingers crossed it will actually be ready... but if it is, it will be very sleek and shiny and new, which will be very nice. Cross your fingers for me!
After that, we headed into town (although we had to come back here because I'd forgotten to pick up the tickets... and we still managed to leave something behind!). Unfortunately we weren't able to find a very cheap parking space, but it turned out to be for the best, as we parked in the Festival Centre, which is a flat rate for the whole day... and we definitely got our money's worth... we parked around 11:30 and didn't leave until nearly 5:30...
We headed down to Target at the end of the Mall without visiting any of the shops, and then wended our way back, browsing and shopping and whatnot.
I was volunteered to buy a present for Sugarmonkey Jr... and even though we looked in a bunch of stores at a bunch of stuff I wasn't feeling especially inspired. I think it's the difference between being volunteered and actually volunteering yourself. Plus it's Sugarmonkey, so it actually has to be "right"... but I don't know what "right" is yet.
The more we looked the less sure I was and the more frustrated I got. I'm a big one for buying books... which is definitely something that comes from Ma and my Nanna... as is the fact that presents have to feel right, or be right, or something. It also means I end up looking in all of the stores, and then going back again and buying something in one of the first places that I looked. Damn childhood conditioning...
Speaking of childhood... I also picked up a pair of Autobots underwear... with OBEY written on one side in big silver letters and Optimus pointing his cannon... in, well, you know, the cannon pointy place. I am a little annoyed that they don't make more Bumblebee stuff though... Optimus is the only Autobot that seems to ever get any play!
I also discovered that Borders is currently stocking bottles of Tru Blood (from the show of the same name)... I didn't get one, but I think I'm going to have to go back and pick one up next week...
Since we had so much time to kill, we ended up looking in a lot more places than usual, I sprayed myself with some slightly bland cologne in Myer, we had hot chocolate shakes from Wendys (not bad... but mine wasn't as hot as Ma's) and stopped off at Haighs on our way back to the Festival Theatre.
As the performance we were headed to see was at 3pm and contained a lot of show tunes, it was a bit of an Old People Palooza... more specifically old ladies... lots and lots and lots of old ladies (a large number of whom appeared to be wearing red)... a few of whom had been brought along by their gay sons or grandsons... and there was a party of four homosexualists in their late 30's...
Once the show was over, we'd planned to go to hit the outdoor cafe, but then didn't open for about half an hour, so we hung out and chatted and then had dinner from Squid Inc before heading back here.
And I actually get the evening to myself... which so far has consisted of writing about the rest of the day...
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