20 January 2024

photo saturday: fan-atic

demyan - whipmaster, noble, cleric

I did mention when the fan item came up during the Hero Forge Advent Calendar that I needed to redo/had redone my trashfire cleric, Whipmaster Demyan, formerly Paingiver Demyan, in line with what he always should have looked like...

And if I'd been thinking about it clearly back when I was playing him, I would have reflavoured his fan as his shield all the way back then... because it never completely made sense that he was walking around carrying a shield. And I always had a fan on hand when playing him, because it just became his aesthetic after I brought a fan to a game when the aircon in the gaming shop was questionable that summer.

Demyan is also one of the models that are first in line to get a makeover when major new content happens. He was one of the first to get coloured by me, then one of the first to get official Hero Forge colouring, he was one of the first to get a new face... plus he's been updated when the dropped new whips and the breastplates. The downside is that to actually get him to look the way I want him to, there's a non-zero amount of Photoshop involved to take the high collar from one set of armour, the sleeves from a different shirt and the breastplate and then get him where he needs to be.

Although if he ever went up to his final position in the church, then I'd have to do a version in white... which, now that I've mentioned it again, might have to happen. If only for me. I've had different versions in my head of what that final outfit would be... the same black but with white accents, etc... but I kinda wanna do a full white version. Hmmm... yeah, that doesn't quite work... let's shove that on the back burner.


This week has been... fucking weird.

My stove did a weird on Monday night... and I've been avoiding both the stove and also reporting it to the land agent all week... I'm mostly mentioning it here to hold myself accountable... must do that over the weekend.

Also, do you know how sometimes you have those friends who are the literal definition of Golden Retriever? And sometimes they give themselves a ball... but then they're torn between the ball they have and the ball they could have and they just stand there with the ball in their mouth looking at the ball they could have and whining. Yeah, that... for basically the whole week. I mean, I love this idiot very much... but also, they need a literal slap sometimes.

Wednesday I went to buy more printer ink. Because also, fuck printer manufacturers and the cost of printer ink. So I was going to get the off-brand, eco printer ink, which is half the price of the on-brand ink. But when I got to Officeworks they didn't have any on the shelves... because it may or may not be online only now... because fuck my life I guess. And they didn't even have the other, non-eco off-brand ink... and I wasn't about to pay $128 for printer ink.

So I bought a $40 printer.

And it would LITERALLY be cheaper to go and buy a new printer every time I run out of ink rather than buy new ink. The FUCK is wrong with the world?

Given that I repeatedly looked at printers when I first moved into this place and couldn't come to a decision, it's amazing all it took was literally a minor inconvenience in order to make me buy a new printer.

And it's all fancy and prints over the Wi-fi and stuff. Which I know has been a thing for a hot minute, but I bought my old printer in 2009... so... it's been a minute. Granted, I think it spent several years just sitting under the bed and only being used once a year... but it's had more work to do in recent years. But at least now I don't have to drag the laptop across the room in order to print.

So there was minor ARGH while I set it up, just because it's always that way until things actually work... but it was no fuss no muss.

Thursday, after a couple of failed attempts, I started my Hexagon Cardigan project. I also finally got around to stitching together my second attempt at my little voodoo doll and he's adorable. He's also doing actual duty as a pincushion for my crochet needle.

But the cardigan is going to be both very soft and quite light I think. Basically it's going to be about on par with some of my lightweight hoodies I think. And that's fine, but it's not going to replace my thicker Winter old man cardigan like I thought it might.

Thursday Night DnD was... a lot of nothing. And very much one of those times when I really wish we played with less people than we do. Because it's difficult to herd cats. And I wasn't even the one doing the herding.

Most of the work I've done so far on the cardigan happened on Friday... because Friday Night DnD was a no-go due to visiting visitors.


Today was basically just the supermarket. Because the weather has been all over the place and today took a turn for the warm.

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