
photo saturday: home town teachers

ulla and tygus - craftmistress, forgemaster, teachers

Something a little different for today's DnD Character Colouring Book... NPCs. The backbone of any good campaign. In this case, the leaders of the Kaboom Collective, where my bird boy Hali learned his trade. The Craftmistress Ulla Horcusporcus (and yes, it is one of the more ridiculous gnomish surnames, but also one of my favourites), and Forgemaster Tygus Ironcloak.

I also wanted to go for more of a "full scene" for these two, so that both my DM and the other players got a sense of the location. I don't exactly remember where the art behind them came from, but it fit the bill pretty much exactly.

And honestly, I possibly should have posed the the other way around, but I like that it looks like either Ulla has just handed the gem off to Tygus or he's about the hand it off to her.


So, fun fact, that became blatantly obvious once I thought about it for five seconds... when you make something and put a lot of chopped, fresh parsley in it, the water in the parsley has to go somewhere. Which meant that this week's quiche was a little damp. Overall not bad, but it didn't hold together quite as well as it should have.

I also started another crochet project... just for me, and for no real reason... I just decided that I wanted to make myself an amigurumi snake. Mostly because I'd worked out exactly how much fucking yarn I currently own. But also just to make myself something cute.

Weirdly though, while I could work on the previous shrug cardigan project for long stretches of time, I've been doing the snake in shorter bursts. Possibly because I'm basically working a tube that I have to hold with my first two fingers and thumb. But it's coming out super cute. I just have to work out when to stop... because it's a snek, so while I can just keep going until I run out of this particular yarn, I have quite a bit of it left. And there will come a point of ridiculousness. I assume I will stop just on the other side of that point.

Because, you know... me.

There wasn't really much of a Mini Media Review this week. I just watched the third season of The Legend of Vox Machina. It was... fine. I think there's a slight cognitive dissonance with doing twelve half hour episodes for a storyline that was over 50 hours of table game time. And it just kind of squishes things down a little too much and turns what I know would have been impactful battle scenes fighting literal dragons into a five minute sequence Which I get, I do. But both things can be true at the same time. I also don't have a huge knowledge of or emotional connection to the first Critical Role campaign. So it just left me a little underwhelmed.

It wasn't terrible. I just found myself zoning out a little.

Also, insert my yearly vague complaint about car races and the need to also have jet planes flying directly over where I live repeatedly. I mean, do all those things... just do them elsewhere.

Friday Night DnD was the introduction of the aforementioned NPCs. We finally make it to Hali's backstory, which will only really be a flying visit, but it was good because I got to kind of step temporarily into the DM seat in order to introduce the location, rather than just trying to download my entire brain into the DM's brain. And it doesn't completely wrap his backstory up... there are still things to tie up and at least one plot thread that I definitely want to tug on.

It was a good session overall honestly, although, I would say that because it was very My Character focused. But look, everybody else has had those moments, mine just came last. Which I'm fine with.


Today was... warm. Not as warm as it was forecast to be. But still "hide indoors where the sun can't find you with the air conditioner on" warm.

So, we just did the supermarket thing, and then I sent Ma on her merry way before it got too warm.

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