
photo saturday: rusty

gull curverusty ladder

rust spikesrusty locks
At a certain point, I have to play the "one of these things is not like the other" game with photos... this week is one of those.

It was also one of those weeks that we so uneventful that I legitimately forgot what I did last Sunday... which was not uneventful.

Last Sunday, being the last Sunday in November, and very nearly the beginning of December, was the day to drive down to Ma's place and put the Christmas tree up. Whoop-di-do Basil.

Honestly, for both of us it was pretty much just going through the motions. Which potentially isn't the best thing in the world... but this year has been... A Thing.

But I had breakfast, then drove down to Ma's, dithered around a bit, then got down to it.

As usual, the first task was the "reading of the previous sass"... when I leave myself notes in previous years or comment on previous thing I've written.

Yeah, the reaction to the dialogue with myself on two separate boxes was slightly visceral. More so the one not shown, but really, when you can sum up your reaction to a year by simply stating the year. It tells you a little something. Or a lot of something, honestly. And yes, box text me is often sassy to both previous year me, and occasionally to future me. It also often tells you about my mood at Christmas that particular year. I feel like 2013 was pretty positive, with the new tree and all... 2014, 2016 and 2019... yeah, they're all a mood. 

I sass myself for 7 years straight...the tree, she indeed be white

For the record, many of the notes I leave are actually useful notations for Christmas tree related decorating, things that I would otherwise totally forget with a 12 month gap between them. But all of it comes with a side order of sass. Because me.

In both 2018 and 2019 we did rainbow stripes for the tree. And that's only about 50% because it's just fucking easier. You know that this zone is this colour, you fill it up as much as you like, you don't have to worry that there are two red ones too close together, because that zone is all fucking red baubles.

We didn't do that this year. For some unknown reason. And honestly, I wasn't happy with the final version. But then I don't have to live with it or look at it more than about three times during the season, so fuck it.

I did leave notes for other ideas for next year though.

Anyway, we did the tree, we put together some snowman lights Ma picked up at IKEA's after Christmas sale last year, that's them peaking at the top of the tree photo. But there was also a big single version.

I put out Ma's nativity... because, for some unknown reason, tradition. Honestly, it all stems back from when we had a full nativity, plus a ridiculous giant manger that had a weird stage, and I like to set dress it and arrange the figures. Now she has a much more streamlined and simple set and I dunno... it's all a bit m'eh.

Or maybe I'm a bit m'eh. Yeah, that second one.

Then we had a bit of food and I gave up and came home.

Because my usual Sunday was subsumed by the Christmas prep, I did my Sunday on Monday. Which also may have contributed to the weird out of sync feeling I've had for much of this week.

I also Made the Christmas at my house on Monday. Tuesday. I Made Christmas on Tuesday. Which was my Monday, because... arrgghh... yeah, that.

The entirety of the Christmas I made was sticking the red glittery bow I bought two... three... two years ago on the front door. Putting my not-Lego wreath on the door. And getting out my neon Christmas tree that I've had for about 15 years and plugging it in. You know, the minimum amount of effort for me to consider the apartment Christmased.

So anyway...

We managed two different DnD sessions this week. Well, that's semantics, but more on that in a bit. And I don't know if my rant from last week had an effect, but we'll see... I feel like we might manage next week, but the week after maybe not. The following Wednesday is Christmas Eve Eve, and that's already been spoken for by the Friday group.

But we will have to see what happens.

Friday night nearly didn't happen... and then it was going to happen... and then it wasn't DnD and was board games instead.

And because we didn't know what we were doing, I didn't prep the bread on Thursday night, but when a decision was made around 11am on Friday, I threw together bread. I threw some of the leftover mixed fruit from the attempted Hot Cross Buns back in April, along with some mixed spice and some cinnamon, and checked on it four hours later, and it was gigantic.

Then I knocked it back, set it in place on the tray, left it another two hours, giant again. Bread is so fucking weird man.

And then I baked it and my whole house smelled like warm cinnamon, which clearly is not the worst thing in the world. And it was pretty good bread, very HCB-lite, but tasty.

It's so weird to think that fifteen months ago, I had no fucking clue about making bread. Now I'm all about making bread.

Anyway, since we weren't doing DnD, we did board games... board game specifically... the Buffy the Vampire Slayer board game, which is more mechanically complex than the name might lead you to believe. The box said that a game should take between 45 minutes and an hour to complete. Three and a half hours. Yeah... sure two of us were playing it for the first time, there was much referring back to the rules and we occasionally overthought what we were doing. But we won. Barely and by the skin of our proverbial teeth.

But it was nearly 1am by the time we were finished, and I didn't get home until after 1:30am. So a big night really.

Today was... m'eh.

I mean, it's a mood, it's a theme... it's a lifestyle choice.

We did the supermarket. I don't know that I will be wearing the mask we got at Kmart last week to the supermarket again, because it made me all kinds of crazy. Partly because none of these fucking masks sit on my face in a way that is comfortable for more than about 12 seconds. Which is just irritating.

But we didn't buy a super huge amount of stuff. More of the same in general really. I'm slightly obsessed with my own pizzas right now... not making the bases, because effort, but going to torn on the toppings.

Then we came back here, were very undecided, ended up deciding to not do anything, and Ma toddled off home.

So, yeah.

Current mood:

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