
photo saturday: between a rock and a wet place

orange rock not actually an orangewave to the right

wave to the leftrandom white stripes
Everything hurts... I hate everything. Fuck my stupid "fall down go boom" body.

But that story doesn't occur until later... so how's that for a pre-credit teaser. I mean, that covers about 90% of it, but there is more of a story.

Otherwise... I finally got... well, inspired isn't the right word, because I was so definitely not inspired, but I made Ma's calendar for 2021. 

ma's calendar 2021 - abstraction
The theme for this year is "abstraction"... because other single words more appropriate for 2020 like isolation firstly felt a little too on the nose, but also hopefully won't be quite as apt for 2021.

So instead, abstraction... basically I looked for shapes and details, and perhaps a little weirdness here and there. I still need to print it, which is always a whole rigmarole in and of itself... and then get to Officeworks some time in the next two weeks (honestly, the next week, because fuck trying to do anything the following week) and get it bound appropriately.

A task, for obvious reasons, I usually prefer to have done well before December.

We'll see what happens.

Otherwise, pizza is fast becoming the default for the beginning of my weeks... homemade pizza, and I'm not mad at it.

Wednesday's DnD session was... fine... weird but fine. We'd never played these characters actually in the same room together, but we have played these characters together extensively. So it was fucking weird, honestly. And our poor DM... we asked a shit-ton of questions, none of which were covered in the somewhat shabbily written module. So he was winging it for most of the preamble.

Bless him.

This week's Friday/DnD bread was... pizza bread. Tomato paste in the wet ingredients, cheese and salami added to the dough after first proofing, and kinda rolled up. I was gunna roll it, I don't think it quite worked the way I'd thought it might. But it was tasty, even if some element of the paste interfered with the yeast somewhat and the dough didn't rise as much as it could have or should have done.

Friday night was... good. I pause because objectively, good... subjectively, honestly I was a little underwhelmed. And I don't even really know why... there's nothing I can actually point at that leads me there, it is just, as they say, a mood.

Maybe it's because the combat that seemed like it was super fucking difficult the last time we did it was a "blink and you'll miss it". Sure, we made some smarter choices, and our front liner got a new magic item that seemed to make a difference... but I dunno. It may also have been that I felt fucking useless the whole game. Even though I was doing stuff.

I'm not going to pick at that particular thought too much however, I don't want it to spiral into a full on line of reasoning, it can just fuck off into the aether from whence it came.

We finished late, I drove The Fluffinator home, I drove myself home. That, as they say, "has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move"... well, mostly the second part. And only really one person for the first part. Me. I'm the one person.

I got out the car and things went thusly.
  • Bad: Falling over in the dirt at the side of your apartment building at 1am, skinning your knee and bruising/cutting your hand.
  • Worse: Your house keys flying out of your hands somewhere in the bushes and not being able to find them.
  • Worst: Having 5% battery left on your phone. 
At the very least, I had my Lego Joker torch, which lives permanently attached to my DnD bag, so at least I wasn't either relying on my phone torch OR flailing around in the dark. It's not a very bright torch, all things considered, so there's also that. I did spent a LOT of time saying "no, no, no, no, no, fuck, please, no, no, no".

I flailed around in the dirt and the dry leaves and the stupid scratchy bushes. And I could not find my keys. I knew where my hand had hit, roughly, but nothing. And I was bleeding, and in pain, and in shock and did not know what the fuck I was going to do next.

However, this story does not end with me sleeping in my car (which, honestly, never occurred to me until this morning). There is a fourth dot point.
  • Priceless: Finding your keys hanging in a bush seconds before you give up looking!
I was very close to giving up, coming upstairs and... I had no actual way to finish that sentence honestly. But I took a few steps back, swept my torch across a space that I didn't think the keys had any business being. And there, just on the edge of where I was looking... a circle shape about a foot above the dirt in the branches of one of the bushes.

And I thought, there's no way that is actually my keys until my fingers closed around the hard metal of my keyring.


So I hobbled upstairs, dropped all my crap, cleaned up the graze on my knee, sprayed it with a little Betadine (povidone iodine) that I'm pretty sure I bought in the early Cretaceous period... or, you know, October 2011 (and honestly, I still remember that fall, even if I have no memory of the gym instructor mentioned therein) if we're not being overly dramatic. Thankfully the internet tells me that Betadine possibly... probably... maybe... has no shelf life, so it should still be okay. Which is good I guess. I hadn't even thought about that until just now honestly.

A very sore and somewhat shaky Yani got into bed at that stage, but initially every time I needed to move or roll over or whatever, my everything hurt. Okay, yes, mostly my left knee, but also my right palm and my right elbow and my right arm in general because it took the brunt of the fall down go boom. So, very ow, much sore.

And this morning you could add stiff to sore... plus getting in the shower and getting a graze wet. Never pleasant.

So I got my shit organised... chose the other pair of identical (well, black instead of dark blue) shorts after having sat in the dirt the night before, and was ready and waiting when Ma arrived.

We did the supermarket thing... I forgot to buy pizza bases, which is clearly a problem, since my intended menu for Monday and Tuesday is... you guessed it... pizza. I'll pick some up tomorrow.

Otherwise we bought supplies for... well, let's not call it Christmas goodies... because we honestly just thought about it and firstly neither of us could be bothered, and secondly, neither of us need all that much stuff honestly. We don't have the people to give it to, and otherwise we end up just chowing down on it ourselves until like the middle of February. Which is great, but also, not.

So instead I'm gunna make Rocky Road, since it's the least fussy thing we do and I can do it all on my own... that's basically what happens anyway. But later in the week, when it's cooler. Or, you know, when it's filthy hot and I have all the aircon happening, I haven't decided yet.

One of the "drawbacks" to having had a blog for fifteen years is that I realise that I first made Rocky Road fifteen years ago (maybe sixteen, I don't remember honestly). Good golly Miss Molly.

But I also want some of the ham hearts for the week before Christmas... but I want them freshly baked, because nobody but me ever gets to have them freshly baked, and honestly, they're missing out. So Ma and I did a "test run" today. And that test run turned into basically me having a container in my freezer full of ham hearts ready to get popped into a very hot oven at a later day. Woo.

And it wouldn't be Christmas Goodie Making Day if I didn't have to take an emergency trip to the supermarket for something we forgot or ran out of. In this case, ham. At least we kept that tradition alive.

Ma also made a first batch, by which I mean my giant oven tray full of them, for us. Which we then chomped our way through as lunch, and I just finished the last dozen off as early dinner

Oh, and the Lego store finally opened in Marion... so not going to brave that until mid January at the very earliest. But very excited that it's here.

Also, side note. Ow. Just ow. In general. Ow. And *sigh*.

I am definitely not going to be staying up too late tonight... my whole body is exhausted, and I need the sleep I think.

Otherwise, I'm done for now.

Current mood:

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