
photo saturday: fluffy, feathers and frilled

ocean puppyforking ducks

wild lizardfountain pair
As much as I don't want to hurry along summer, I also wish that the weather would make it's little mind up a tiny wee bit.

When the start of the week is shorts and the airconditioner, and the end of week is rain and a jacket, you can see why.


No real DnD news this week... everything was business as usual for the most part, although we did have a really good session on Thursday, mostly because it was only three players and the DM. Otherwise it was me running on Monday, the usual Wednesday game and then the Game of Variable Player Numbers on Thursday.

The rest of the week was fairly quiet... all things considered.

Friday was both my appointment with my GP about my sliced finger as well as my chiro appointment... and of course I matched them up so they were basically back to back.

It was also my final GP appointment... the finger is healing up nicely, and we've gone from full finger dressing, to half finger dressing to fingertip dressing to basically a bandaid (it's one of those terracotta coloured cloth bandaids, but it's still basically a bandaid)... and a bandaid that I can take off or swap over whenever I'm ready. Which is excellent.

I might leave it on for most of the week, just to ensure that everything is as healed up as it can be before I go exposing it to the world... I mean it looks pretty damn good, by comparison, even to last week, but it still has a little way to go.

Otherwise my chiro appointment was fairly standard, nothing really to report there.

Today was not much of anything to be honest.

We did the shopping thing in the morning as usual, and I actually got up really damn early, showered, got dressed and then tidied up, washed some dishes, etc... stuff I could have done during the end of the week but that I just couldn't be fucked doing.

We'd planned on going to the movies this week... but because the movie choices currently on offer range from questionable to shithouse, there really hasn't be much we wanted to see... and it turned out that the only thing we actually wanted to go and see wasn't on anywhere at an appropriate time. Thanks for that universe.

So we didn't go to the movies.

Instead we decided to take a random trip into the city, with no actual attached plan. Which turned out to be a good plan because we went past the Oxfam second hand book place while they were having one of their book sales. One quick trip around the block and a super convenient parking place later and we were knee deep in discounted second hand books.

And for a change I actually managed to find a few that were worth considering.

Then it was up and down the mall, mostly avoiding or attempting to avoid the stupid fashion festival shit taking up space in the mall, but not really doing much of anything else. That was followed by lunch at Burger Theory and then we pretty much called it a day.

Current Mood:

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