
photo saturday: dem faces

street pringlenewtown dick

newtown kidbe free umbrella
Okay, so my brain is basically a big ball of fluff right now... so we'll see how well this works out...

As mentioned last week, this week was the first Post Soup week... which was fine, although actually making food at appropriate food times is hard. As in harder than just going to the fridge, getting out the soup and warming it up.

DnD was about how I expected... Monday's game was the last of the Tier 2 Rage of Demons season adventures I've been running sequentially, so next up are some adventures set in the same location, then an adventure I'm really looking forward to, but one that might stretch the roleplay abilities of some of my players.

Wednesday was a LOT of DnD... like we did a couple of hours finishing up the final combat from last week after we didn't actually die, then started the first couple of hours of a new adventure, then played a couple of hours of a random encounter... ending up at around six and a half hours. Exhausting, but exciting.

Then Thursday was the reduced Thursday crew (which also meant that I needed to be group taxi), which is generally quieter and pleasant because we manage to get a lot of stuff done, but I also end up doing a lot of the talking... which is fine, but sometimes I wonder if I'm doing too much talking. I mean I give other people space to do their own thing, but, I tend to be the one doing most of the NPC interactions. Granted our DM is pretty good at making sure various characters have their moments, and I know to step back in those instances, but still.

Then I went into the city again on Friday to get my dressing changed again. And it's even smaller than it was last week. Plus we (well, mostly me, but at the doctor/nurse's instigation) pulled the scab off, very carefully, but I actually got to have a good look at the current top of my finger since I sliced it off. And it looks good, considering.

Granted it also looks a little like the wound has been sealed over with a thin layer of matt plastic and the actual flesh hasn't grown back in yet... but it does look better than the giant black scab. Or when it was fresh and bleeding profusely.


Today was pretty average.

We started with the supermarket thing... and I had to remember to actually think of meals in my head that I could make... always the less fun part of not soup season.

Afterwards we looked through the movie listings and found a big fat nothing. I mean not nothing nothing, but very nearly almost. I don't know what the hell is going on just of late, but it's been a while since there was something worth bothering with.

So instead we went down to Marion, not with any great plan in mind, more just a general wander.

And wander we did. Mostly looking at a combination of Halloween and Christmas decorations, because while I don't give a toss about Halloween as a holiday, I do dig the aesthetic of spooky decorations.

I also managed to find a functional and somewhat decent red bow to go on my door at Christmas.

But that was really it. We stopped off and got some "lunch"... I say lunch but it was only really something to drink and something quite light to eat.

Oh, and before I forget, I did speak with The Boy not this week but the week before and we sorted things out. I'm mostly chalking drama up to me getting in my own way/head, but also partially him, just not the him I was expecting or had assumed was the issue. So things are okay... they're never going to be what they were again, that was basically a very specific time window and that time is gone, but yeah, at least it got sorted.

Current Mood:

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