
random cockinasock hotness

This week's Random Hotness is a something of a whopper... no pun intended... consider it restitution for having missed the previous two weeks of Hotness due to travel and general fatigue.

That and the fact that I just couldn't bring myself to whittle the selection down any further.

The latest meme/fad sweeping Instagram for the last week or so is #cockinasock, where young gentlemen pose wearing nothing by a sock over their manhood in an effort to raise awareness and money for cancer research in the UK. According to their website, Cock in a Sock was started by James Brown to raise awareness for male cancers and is now a global campaign being run by James Brown and Siobhan Watton, with the help of Daniel Widnell and Michael Lovell.

Sadly, it seems like Instagram has been removing some of these images and I did hear a rumour that they'd blocked the #cockinasock hashtag from their search engine, but as of a couple of minutes ago it seemed to be working fine. I did notice that the hashtag is cluttered with people posting the same reaction meme images over and over again, which is kind of predictable.

What does amaze me is how many of the guys taking part seem to go in for some serious manscaping... I'm not sure if that's just what young men of all sexual persuasions do these days, or if it's more about looking nice for their big photo moment... if you're going to put it (almost) all out there, you want to look your best.

And if my Australian and American readers want to donate money a little closer to home, try the Cancer Council Australia or the American Cancer Society.

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cock in a sock boyscock in a sock boyscock in a sock boys

cock in a sock boyscock in a sock boyscock in a sock boys

cock in a sock boyscock in a sock boyscock in a sock boys

cock in a sock boyscock in a sock boyscock in a sock boys

cock in a sock boyscock in a sock boyscock in a sock boys

cock in a sock boyscock in a sock boyscock in a sock boys

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