This time next week this is exactly where I'll be (well, actually I'll be on my way to see The Lion King musical to celebrate my birthday, but I won't be that far away from the Grand Dame and the Iron General).
I'm not sure it's completely sunk in that we're off to Sydney next Thursday... although once Ma brings my suitcase down tomorrow I'm sure that it'll start to feel more real (although dicking around with old travel posts on the blog has kind of started me getting a little fired up).
It's also the first trip since our first visit to Sydney in 2008 where we're travelling while I'm not working. Not that I usually end up buying that much swag from Sydney (Melbourne and it's easily accessible vinyl toys is usually where I go a big crazy)... but it's going to have to be something of a budget trip.
Which doesn't mean we won't have a good time... if worse comes to worse we'll just take a bunch of ferry rides again.
In other news, this week was a reasonably big Fringe week, I was out at shows three nights, and on Tuesday I ended up having about two and a half hours to kill between shows. It was also something of a problematic parking week... I couldn't find a park in Hindmarsh Square to save my life (there were parks, but I kept missing them) but I did end up working out where there were some parks that other people didn't seem to be aware of, so those are now filed safely in the mental rolodex.
And we only have one show left... which is a little sad, but then gives us enough time to recoup and get organised for Sydney.
It also means that I can hopefully get over the tail end of this stupid Summer cold or general lurgy that I picked up from goodness only knows where... it hasn't been all that bad, but the slightly gravely throat I had to live with last Winter has made something of a return. Although that could possibly be to do with all the laughing and cheering and whatnot I've been doing at the Fringe.
I had an appointment with my chiro today which seemed to consist as much with us talking about Fringe shows as it did about adjusting my back. But when we were finished she asked about how my thumb was doing which was good because I was going to ask her about the fact that the injured thumb doesn't bend down as far, and that gave me a chance to get her advice. When I told her that the hospital hadn't made me an aftercare appointment she seemed a little annoyed (as much as she gets annoyed, she always strikes me as one of those perpetually mellow people) and she gave me one of those stress balls and some exercises to do.
Which is what you always want from your healthcare professionals, for them to care about things that are wrong with you even when they have nothing to do with why you came to see them. So now I just have to stab at this silver stress ball with my thumb at semi regular intervals.
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