
photo friday: beach blue boys

beach hut blue - melbournebeach boy blue - sydney

splash boy - sydneybeach house stripes

Let's see...
  • Burger Theory had a soft opening for their Union Street bricks and mortar store on Thursday... not everything on the menu was available, but since I was already in town I had to go in and support my boys.
  • At some point, once the full menu kicks in (which happens next Wednesday I think), I need to go in to try their breakfast options... maybe Ma and I could try something different on a Saturday morning.
  • Also I need to get hold of one of the burger wrappers before it wraps a burger... that's some nice product art.
  • Before that I stopped in at Espionage for the opening of David Soukup's show... which was very cool.
  • I also met David and his partner as well as chatting with a woman whose not only an artist but also the receptionist at Empire Tattoo which is where I'll be getting my piece done.
  • My DVD consolidation project continued this week... I keep buying multiple DVD cases and merging the discs from individual cases into mega collections. I was supposed to be keeping some of the cases for Ma, but that never quite happened.
  • I now have a bookcase that is almost completely full of empty old DVD cases.

Current Mood:

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