
flatpack browsing saturday

naked bookshelf guys
Most of today's retail adventures came straight out of me putting up new bookshelves last weekend and the fact that Ma had this week off and did some tidying up of her own.

Fortunately I'd pretty much tidied the apartment last night, so I only needed to put some washing up away and I was good to go.

When Ma got here we started with the usual supermarketry... blah blah, fresh fruit and veg, groceries, blah blah.

After we were done we stopped off briefly at Officeworks on the way back to get Ma an external hard drive for her laptop, when there was the usual unpacking, etc back at my place.

Ma had been through her books and had a couple of bags to get rid of and I had a bunch of old Blue magazines that I no longer wanted... given the rigmarole we went through last time we just took it all straight to Oxfam. Makes everyone's life easier, and they been grateful to receive the donations both times, which is more than most of the other places we tried last time.

Next up was a trip to Ikea for assorted knick knacks.

The main things I wanted were another glass shelf for the Lego beach house and a bunch of those battery powered push lights. Actually that's pretty much all I bought, although Ikea had all their Christmas bit and pieces out, so we spent some time going through all of that. They had some cool little ornament racks which would work really well with my toy soldier ornament, so I grabbed a couple of those.

I also checked out the armchairs... I kinda need to replace my red chair, and I could possibly do with ditching the little red sofa, but I'm not completely convinced on what to replace them with... but there were a couple of chairs that caught my eye.

Ma picked up a few other bits and pieces and we also stopped off at the restaurant for something to drink. There were a couple of gay boys who were sitting at one of the high benches not too far away from us, and I was amused by the fact that the one with his back to us was very clearly displaying the fact he was wearing a jockstrap given the fact you could see both the waistband of his underwear AND his butt underneath it. And it didn't hurt that he was all kinds of pretty.

Anyway, once we were finished gathering any other bits and pieces we wanted, and Ma finally made a decision about a new dining table (not that she bought one, but that'll hopefully happen between now and Christmas), we headed off to The Good Guys (yet again) so I could have a look at one of the microwaves that they had on sale (too small, and kinda fugly)... I swear, before the year is out I need to have a new microwave!

And that was it. When we got back I went through and put some of the lights up... but I bought a ton of them, so I'll put the rest up once it gets dark and I can judge the positions a little better.

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