
photo friday: painted beards

lego: alas poor yorbricklego: all for brick and brick for one

Clearly the key to a historical Lego minifigure is a Van Dyke beard...

You know how sometimes you meet somebody and it's instantly comfortable... you feel like you've known them forever. That happened to me last Sunday with a random hookup.

I'm not going to say that it was the best sex of my life, but it was both exactly the kind of low key and incredibly tactile sex that I think I needed... and even though it was quite warm in my bedroom we still hung out for a really long time afterwards, just chatting a little and cuddling.

Fortunately the nice men who came to deliver my bookcases did that just after lunchtime, so I had the afternoon free for more interesting things.

But now I have the problem that they take up a lot more room than I was expecting... as well as the fact that I really just want to start sorting through all my junk and organising things so that I can put them together. That was the whole point though, so I guess that's a good thing. Now I just need some cooler weather and some time.

It's been a week of deliveries actually... on Monday I got my Printstagram calendar and my Kickstarter-funded Enclave sunglasses, then yesterday my pewter Lego minifigure pendant from Etsy (which is so perfectly moulded that minifigure hair actually clips in place).

Today was also my first chiro appointment since Christmas... it kind of feels like it's been forever since I was there for an adjustment... and given that there has been far too much sitting going on in my life in the fast couple of weeks, it did take a couple of tries to get everything back in line.

Current Mood:

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