Back in 2020 [makes sign against the Evil Eye], before one of the previous sourcebooks came out, I was dabbling in ideas and came up with Wrath, Path of the Beast Barbarian. Consider Havoc to be the 2025 evolution of that idea. And also today's entry for Week 3 of DnD Character Colouring Book Barbarian March.
I don't know exactly what the allure of an angry albino tiefling barbarian is, but I'm absolutely here for it.
Havoc's backstory is still a little vague... the original idea was some sort of mash up of The Count of Monte Cristo... but, honestly, when you start to pick apart the inciting incident to that story, it gets very complicated. So right now I'm not 100% sure what I'm doing with his backstory.
The other interesting thing about Havoc is that I could very easily switch up his subclass to any of the ones from the new PHB with very little tweaking.
Patience, his greatsword, is the result of a little bit of Photoshop fuckery, plus somewhere in that idea that is a catchphrase about "trying his patience" or "running out of patience" or something similar. I don't know exactly what it is yet, but it's in there somewhere.
I was also very proud of myself with his posing too. It's not hugely complex, but it came together just right.
This week's Mini Movie Reviews are definitely a mixed bag... I started out with Season 2 of American Gods, still loving Mad Sweeney but also definitely coming around on Technology Boy.
Next up, I took a little detour after having recommended the 2002 version of The Importance of Being Earnest to Fluffy, and watched it later that night. It's still very good.
And lastly I did Paris Police 1905, which I actually liked more than 1900 season. Whether that was because this was much less anti-Semitism and much more sex workers and homosexuals. Everything is still incredibly terrible for everybody concerned, but I enjoyed it more overall.
This week was My Birthday Week... but honestly, it essentially boiled down to Friday and today.
Friday I did my usual loop to Baker's Delight and Boost Juice to get my free stuff and make people in shops wish me Happy Birthday. So I came home with a nice cheese and chive scone and a King William Chocolate Boost.
Yes please and thank you for free stuff.
Fluffy got me both the Wolfsong book that was Very Important To Me in 2023, along with it's sequel, Ravensong, which I haven't gotten to yet, because it was, and I quote, "annoying me that you didn't have a copy of it".
And then there might have been a brief but deep conversation that followed.
Then it was off to Friday Night DnD. Small child of the Mr and Mrs house had felt compelled to make me "a card", which was very sweet. I also got another Dymocks voucher, so I'll put that to good use eventually.
Actual Friday Night DnD was... slightly less chaotic than I was expecting it to perhaps be. We dispatched the last of the bad guys and cashed in some quests, which was good.
It did lead to my boy perhaps revealing more of his backstory than I'd expected to this early.
We do now need to forcibly extract Mrs character's backstory... since she's the only one still sitting on secrets.
Today started like it always does, with the supermarket. Then we killed some time before heading out to Spotlight to actually do the thing we tried to do last week. This time successfully.
And then we went to The Republic Norwood for Birthday Lunch. I had the fried chicken burger, Ma had the fried halloumi burger. Should I have gone with my original plan to get a schnitzel? Very possibly. Did I only learn just now that they have a much more reasonably priced lunch menu that only exists from Monday to Friday? Also yes.
Was it still very tasty? Absolutely. And the service was excellent.