
photo saturday: merchant of magic

emrik embervane - caster, glass-merchant, traveller

I've said before that wizard isn't my favourite class. But I was also working through all of the new 2024 PHB classes for the DnD Character Colouring Book, as I've said... so I needed a wizard to complete the set. And, weirdly, I do love a dwarven wizard

Also, because there are only four subclass choices for each class in the new book as opposed to the eight from the current PHB, Evoker was the one that stood out to me... the "make go bang" wizard if you will. It was also good timing because Hero Forge dropped both a whole new outfit as well as a whole new set of dwarven beards with jewellery in them.

Because I've also been giving everyone a different background, I leaned into "merchant" for Emrik. And he represents a group of either enamel workers or glass makers and both his beard jewellery and his staff are an example of their work. I think I'm leaning into glass makers, because then that also covers his glasses too. Plus, glass and fire...

Works for me.


I set up my "new to me" TV on Saturday... and then spent the next several days trying to find the bits in the menu to make it not make me crazy. Mostly that was turning off the "make the screen dull when there's less light in the room" because I fucking hate that. Also, turns out that the sound on my old TV was much better. But also, this TV is bigger and doesn't have a giant thick line of dead pixels on the left hand side... so, you know, swings and roundabouts. Also it was free. So how hard am I really going to fucking complain.

Not that much.

Soup for this week was a lot of my made up Minestrone, which was nice and thick and chunky and full of pasta. Was there a moment when I dropped the chopped bacon all over the kitchen floor and had to scoop it all up and wash it before I could use it. Yes, yes there was. Also, don't judge me.

This week's mini movie reviews are, once again, a movie and a TV show. And the movie, again, turned out to be a biopic when I thought it was going to be more of an actual documentary.

And it was also a gay artist. This time, Robert Mapplethorpe, in the eponymous movie Mapplethorpe. It was fine... but, honestly, it could have done with more gay. It felt a little "safe" at times, even though it often featured his explicit photography.

Between this and the Tom of Finland movie, I think that is the better movie overall on a similar subject. But it wasn't terrible. And I got to see Matt Smith a lot more naked than I necessarily expected to.

The other choice was the Watchmen TV series from 2019. And I really liked it. It's a slow burn, and I wasn't sure I would after the first couple of episodes, but it pulled me in during the nine episodes and I really enjoyed it. Plus the cast is outstanding.

There's not a hell of a lot else to report for the week. My head cold is mostly gone, which is good.

Also there was no Friday Night DnD because Mrs also had a head cold, so instead I continued Fluffy's Movie Education with Breakfast at Tiffany's and Outrageous Fortune. An odd double bill to be sure, but both enjoyable for very different ways.


Today was decent... and we actually got to do things which made a change from the last two weeks.

The supermarket was fairly average, although I think we were running earlier than we usually do.

Afterwards we did a trip to Kmart so I could finally replace the "active tights" I tore the other week when I fell down. Which would have been easier if a) I hadn't walked past them 8 times and b) if I could have found literally any staff member in the entire store or when I did find one, any other staff member had answered his radio call. But after tracking down the one actual staff member and him telling me they were somewhere that they weren't, he finally looked up where they were and we found them immediately.

And that was it really.

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