More photos from last week's beach trip... green plant stuff, just because I was in the mood.
Also, this is my "once every four years" dip into the world of politics, specifically a WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK AMERICA. The election was on Wednesday. It's now Saturday and we're waiting for four fucking states to finish counting shit. Like, count faster or something, I dunno. But also the fact that the race is this fucking close after the last four years beggars belief. I mean, I'd say "How?", but I already know the answer to that.
But we wait, and we hope that the last four years can finally be consigned to history and eventually be a joke or a cautionary tale or a collective fever dream.
This weeks tuna noodle casserole wasn't perhaps as good as the one from last time. Don't get me wrong, it was decent, I just don't know what magic thing I did the first time to make it really good. Or it could just be that I hadn't had it in quite a while at that point.
Tuesday I had a... I was about to say home invasion, and that is a very, very different thing and not at all what happened. But also, theoretically, it's the good version of that. Wow, I should stop talking now. Anyway. I had people. In my house. For socialising. And board games.
Our Friday night DM (I probably need to come up with a blog pseudonym for her, because, you know, it's gunna come up... I'll mull) and Fluffy came over for board games, because she had a day off and she wanted to do daytime boardgames. And why the fuck not.
We might have gone to her place, but the weather last week was stoopid. Being very hot for two days, and then very cold for the remainder of the week. Because, say it with me now, we don't have seasons, we just have random weather. Which is also fundamentally untrue, but occasionally feels true in those between times. So everyone came to my place, I cranked the aircon, made a fuckton (the technical term) of sausage rolls, which were well received and we spent several hours playing board games. Which was great.
And I sent some sausage rolls home with both of them, and still had some left over for myself.
Wednesday I ignored the aftermentioned shit show from the top of this post until the point that I thought it would already be over, mid afternoon. How wrong I was.
Then Wednesday night we had DnD again and finished up the adventure from last week. And nobody died. In fact, I honestly don't think I got hit at all during the final fight. I feel like I should have been, but it just never eventuated.
Friday night's DnD game was... interesting. A couple of things came up that were accidents of bad dice rolls which resulted in more interesting things that would have happened if we'd gotten good rolls. And by we, I mean, not me. I had good rolls in this scenario. Just for the record.
I also think that I have my bread recipe down again after several weeks of finding that sweet spot (so to speak). So it might be time for fucking around with additions again. And of course the Friday group will have no objections to that at all.
Today wasn't much of anything really.
We did the supermarket thing. I'm aiming for chilli this week... because... fuck it, I felt like chilli this week. Even if the weather intends to do a repeat of this week and be too fucking hot and then colder than it should be for this time of year.
Unlike the last couple of weeks, we didn't have a specific plan of what we wanted to do, or where we wanted to go, and we ended up heading to Spotlight because I kinda wanted to look for a couple of things. One I totally forgot about once we were there, and the other I decided against, at least for now. I was also very tempted by one of those "little tiny room" kits, because they're so beautiful, but having watched about five minutes of the "how this all goes together" video I just found on YouTube, I'm glad I changed my mind, because I'm not sure I have the patience or dexterity to actually make one of them.
It was very pretty though.
And that was it really. We talked about poking around in Officeworks, but we didn't really need anything, and neither of us could really be bothered.
Current mood:
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