
photo saturday: purple and blue

purple monkeyblue butterfly

kite shapemonkey butt
I think most of this week was spent in something akin to existential dread... but I can't be completely certain.

Anyway... I made the tuna morney again this week... and as always, even though I tried to keep the spices to a minimum, it still came out appropriately spicy. I can't help it, it's just the way I make it. As least it didn't dislodge the back half of my skull with every spoonful like it's done on previous occasions.

Otherwise DnD continues on as usual. My Monday game was a smaller group, which suited the adventure to be honest, and I liked the particular quartet, so that was good.

Wednesday's game was looooooong... like almost 6 hours instead of the usual 4. But we kicked butt all over the joint, almost all died, but didn't and that's the main thing. It was also nice to get a gigantic amount of XP, since that particular character has been limping along for a while now.

Thursday's game went somewhere I didn't expect... but I think it's a good thing. At least until we can get back to the other game we were playing on a Thursday. Because I didn't do arts and crafts to NOT play that character.

Otherwise there has been some cleaning/tidying in preparation for the inspection on Monday... wait, I was going to double check that... yes, definitely Monday... although interestingly enough the time is 10am to noon, rather than 2pm, so that's something at the very least.

It also means that I'm going to spend all of tomorrow morning (and hopefully little to no part of the afternoon if I can help it) doing the major clean. I need to do some organising tonight so that that's out of the way also.

I do have a feeling that it's going to consume almost all of my day tomorrow though. I just need to be on the ball and get shit done. Not exactly one of my virtues just at the moment.

Today wasn't much of anything to be honest.

Ma was doing the haircut thing this morning, so I shopped on my own. And given that I don't want to clean the whole house and then make a large amount of food and have to clean half the house again, I'm going for the individual meal plan this week.

After I got back here and Ma arrived we headed out to IKEA with a quick detour to see if I could find a refill for one of my pens... which ended up being more complicated than I think it really should have been.

But we also had a wander around Officeworks, which is always good/dangerous.

Then the usual route around IKEA... which wasn't very much of anything to be honest. Ma picked up a few things, but she was the one who really wanted to go.

And that was about it.

Current Mood:

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