
photo saturday: bridges and walkers

bridge walkernew bridge

old bridgeshadow walker
You know when you look at something and think, yeah, that can't be right... but it says it right there, I'll just go with that. That was me last Sunday when I was sure (after having looked it up online) that the shops were open at Burnside, even though it was Easter Sunday. Thankfully the shops are only a couple of minutes away from my place, but the problem was that I didn't have anything easy for lunch.

Easter, overall, was m'eh. Not least of all because of the lack of lunch, but I just didn't to anything on either Sunday or Monday.

I mean I filled in time, but nothing particularly useful.

Because of the nothingness of Monday, there was no DnD... I mean there was DnD, I just didn't go. So that just left Wednesday and Thursday. Wednesday was good because there was a new person who I enjoyed playing with, and annoying because the party also consisted of someone who is basically Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh, but not in an adorable way.
“I might have known,” said Eeyore. “After all, one can’t complain. I have my friends. Somebody spoke to me only yesterday. And was it last week or the week before that Rabbit bumped into me and said ‘Bother!’. The Social Round. Always something going on.”
Anyway... Thursday I just ran for my three boys. Who, to continue the Pooh analogy are basically all Tigger... if he was three people who all gave each other shit and one of them had more of a potty mouth. But they've been collected under the heading of "things that are mine" (I tried to find the Anita Blake quote about that, but I don't have the books any more and even though I was certain I'd blogged about it at one point, I can't find the reference anywhere), so I'm somewhat protective of them.

Yeah, that whole thought process kind of ran away from me.

Thursday was also Haircut Day... not much to report there. It was a toner day, not a bleach day, so overall a shorter process. And Tink and I did the usual chatter.

Friday was Chiro Day... because weirdly those two things have managed to sync up to be in the same week after being nowhere near each other for the longest time.

Today was... actually also pretty m'eh. I mean we did stuff, stuff got done. But not thrilling.

We started with the usual supermarketry... and when I mentioned to Ma that all the Easter stuff at Haighs was not on sale, she suggested we stop in there after the supermarket. Which is absolutely not on the way home, but not that far out of the way.

And that's how I ended up with four bags of broken Easter egg. What? The broken Easter egg is the best Haighs thing. Well, maybe second best.

After all the required stuff was done we decided to head into the city to track down some things Ma wanted. Some of which we managed, others not so much.

But we did a bunch of walking, then called it quits and came back here. Not the worst Saturday ever, but all told, kind of m'eh.

Current Mood:

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