
photo friday: three geisha plus one

lego totoroflag geisha

kite geishanewtown geisha
This week has been... atypical.

Rolling the calendar back to Sunday, I spent about six hours cleaning my apartment for the inspection on Tuesday. Granted that wasn't necessarily six hours straight, I made some breakfast, got distracted by whatever DVDs I ended up watching, fiddled with my phone more than was wise and generally faffed about a bit. But I got it done in the end.

As always I did more stuff than I probably needed to do, but I enjoy the opportunity to really dig in and do a big clean every three months. Don't get me wrong, I fucking hate it while I'm doing it... especially vacuuming the carpet... but I enjoy the end result.

Then I made what definitely has to be THE BEST soup I've made in the last several weeks of my ongoing soup obsession... Bacon, potato and leek... however the recipe called for, I think, two rashers of bacon... I'm not completely sure how many I used, but it had to be upwards of at least eight. Yeah, that shit was goooooood!

Tuesday was a rare occurrence, going to the movies by myself... and I bought popcorn, which is even rarer. I did buy too much though, and I still have some leftover that I brought home.

Thursday was Haircut Day... yaaay! It wasn't a late night as Tink wasn't feeling the best, but it was good to get my hair sorted out. I'm still trying to work out what the final version of this particular series of haircuts is going to be... which is difficult without totally steal the haircut of Banger at work. But it looks so damn good on him, so it's difficult not to go all the way that way.

But at least it's shorter and blonder again, which is always a bonus.

And then today after work I had my chiro appointment, which was decidedly welcome.

Speaking of work, it's been a somewhat crazy week. From things I was convinced we'd put to bed rearing their annoying little heads all the way through things that should have been easy that took all the hours.

I will say that overall it was a less frustrating week than previous weeks. Busy as hell though.

At least this is a long weekend!

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