I know I've said it before, but one of the (many) things I do like about living in this apartment over the old apartment is the fact that I can just go and lay on my bed and watch the many and varied fireworks displays that happen throughout the year. And NYE was no exception... in fact there were two displays, the first at the family friendly time of 9:30 (which I actually think was the better display, at least from my perspective) and then the usual midnight extravaganza.
And the night was actually a hell of a lot quieter than I was expecting or predicting... I hardly even heard the concert in Elder Park, other than when I was watching the first set of fireworks (mucho cheering), and none of my neighbours had giant rowdy parties until the wee small hours. So definite bonus there, especially given when there were doing the sound check for the concert last night it was a giant cacophonous mess blasting through my bathroom window.
The fact that I've spent the week between Christmas and New Years at work did throw off my usual routine quite a bit... not least of which because I was up really early and didn't make it to bed until 1am.
But it also meant that the "must tidy house" compulsions I go through each year had to be broken up into smaller chunks so I could do it during the week rather than leaving it all until last night. It was also as dull as hell, since I didn't really have anything to do, and should probably have taken the time off.
On a total whim when I left the house yesterday morning I put four of the bottles of Strongbow Cider I bought, back before I had all that trouble with my ears, in the fridge. I can't actually remember the last New Years where I had anything to drink, but this was just sitting in the cupboard, so I figured what the hell.
Weirdly, because of working, it also didn't really feel properly like New Years Eve all day (or all night even).
As usual, I lined up three movies to watch... and had some nice left over pasta for dinner so I didn't even need to cook.
I started the night with Wreck-It Ralph, had some jelly stuffed full of grapes with some brandy custard, watched the 9:30 fireworks and did the last little tidy up for the evening, then started How To Train Your Dragon 2. Then I changed my bed and settled in with the last movie, which I only bought yesterday (well, someone else picked it up and brought it to me, but yeah), Predestination. Even though I knew exactly what the storyline was, I enjoyed it more the second time around... although I did work out the plot pretty quickly the first time, but this time around I noticed all the little nods and winks to the central theme of the movie that I don't think I realised were significant last time.
And all the while I worked my way through the four bottles of Strongbow... which isn't that bad, and I don't think I was drunk by any stretch of the imagination, but I was nicely mellow (and given that I only drank them all night, not any water, I was only a little seedy around the edges when I woke up this morning).
I took myself off to bed at 1am after the movie finished, which fortunately was also the time that the whole concert thing was packing up, so I think I heard a tiny bit of music (but honestly that could have been coming from anywhere) before everybody called it a day... night... whatever.
While I could have gotten up this morning and done my usual walk, I was a little seedy around the edges, so I used that as an excuse to just go straight back to sleep for another hour or so and then finally got out of bed and made myself a big egg and bacon roll.
Seemed as good as way as any to start 2015... and I can only hope that this year improves on the good things of last year and, wherever possible, reduces the bad things.
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