
pre xmas m'eh with shopping

merry criss-mas
I feel like I say this every year at some point, but I'm so not in the Christmas spirit this year. I know I've gone to Ma's and put the tree up... and fashioned a Christmas tree for myself that's over 30cms tall, and tomorrow is the annual Orgy de Chocolat goodie making... but beyond that... nothing.

I couldn't be bothered going through all the boxes under my bed and in my wardrobe to get any decorations out, which also meant that I didn't take anything to work to yule-ify my desk.

And other than a few manky bits of tinsel around the place, and a sad little Christmas tree in the foyer, nobody else at work has gotten overly inspired either.

So the fact that Christmas is in... five days doesn't feel quite real and I'm fairly ambivalent to the whole thing to be honest.

I also think part of it may have to do with the fact that except for the nougat I bought yesterday, all of Ma's presents have been organised for a number of weeks. And a bunch of stuff came via the internets, so there was even less effort involved. Granted there's still one last parcel that I'm waiting for... I was sure that I'd ordered it before the shipping deadline... but then I only got the email to say it had shipped at the beginning of last week, so that's a bit of a fuckover.

It also meant that I literally had nothing Christmas related to do today.

I have the whole day to myself because of the aforementioned Christmas goodie making tomorrow, but all I had was go to the supermarket this morning, buy 90% fresh fruit and veg and then come home again.

It did mean that I could spend a couple of hours tidying up the house since I haven't really been in the mood the last couple of weeks, so stuff was just kind of cluttering up the joint.

Hopefully the Christmas Spirit hits me some time between now and Thursday, but honestly I'm not holding my breath.

Current Mood:

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