I love all of the Ninjago mechs, and before I decided on Lego R2D2 as my major set for last year, I did consider a couple of the mechs...
So given that this one was small, relatively cheap and bright red, I couldn't resist it.
Interestingly, unlike some of the photos I've seen online, my version of the box/instructions for this set doesn't have a name on it anywhere... so I decided that it looked quite like a rabbit, so renamed it as Aka Usagi, or Red Rabbit.
So it was a little disappointing to discover it's real name is, the unimaginative Kai's Fire Mech.
That's be Kai in the red hood... and although the little short dude is supposed to be a scout of the bad guy army (he also has a cool little crossbow), I like the idea of him being Kai's little helper/man servant... and they get up to wacky adventures!
I have a feeling it would be really easy to convert the Fire Mech into some kind of jet plane or boat or racer... all the component pieces are there, although you'd have to discard most of the Hero Factory pieces.
It would have been nice if the curved red pieces with the flames on them were actually printed, but instead they're stickers.... which is always a pain because even when I was younger and had little fingers I still had trouble getting the stickers in exactly the right place.
My favourite part of this mech are these hands...specifically the hand shaped hand, although the "could you get any more barrels on that blaster" hand is pretty impressive too.
I also really love the control panel sticker on the inside of the hand... it seems like this mech can do just about anything... fire, fire supression, water, ice, electricity, radiation, explosives... and a phone.
What more could you ask for really?
This rear detail shot shows just how incredibly bad I am at putting stickers on Lego pieces... I thought it was okay, but when I looked at the photo I realised it was SO crooked...
I'm also not sure if the sticker is supposed to be of some little red eyed creature that's living inside this vent... or it they're just supposed to be little red power lights... maybe it's supposed to be a jet engine so the mech can fly.
I didn't realise that I'd actually put the gold "rabbit ears" on backwards when I took these two shots... it was only when I was looking at the box again that I realised. I do like the fact that the "ears" are actually samurai swords.
And the giant flame sword (from the finished photo) looks really cool... although it would be nice if there was some way to attach it to the back of the mech for when it's not in use.
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