photo saturday: mercenary champ

rin - mercenary, soldier, fighter

So there are times when a character just takes up residence in my head and needs to be made into a Hero Forge mini. Rin is absolutely one of those times. She started life due to the villain in the third season of Star Trek Picard... and then just became one of the better minis I've made in a minute.

Normally I don't really use the splatter decals, but something about her was just crying out for one. They started out the usual blood colour, but at some point I decided that acidic green goop was more fun. In my head, she's just killed an ankheg or some other kind of insect-y type monster, and is catching her breath/smoking her cigar because cleaning the goo off her gear.

Technically I think she should probably be a Battle Master... but I just like the simplicity of the Champion, plus she feels like a character that just does more damage more often than someone doing a bunch of tricks. Also, as a brief note for future me if I ever do play her... while it looks like she's in leather armor, that's technically chainmail covered in leather (I mean, it's not, but if I was going to play her that would be the excuse between her stats and her aesthetic)... and that leather gets damaged a lot, which is why it's all stitched back together and the colours of a lot of pieces don't match.

Also, while she very easily slides in the general direction of "gruff lesbian", part of me loves the idea of her just being in a straight couple with switched gender expression. Or, you know, she loves the ladies... either works.


This week's soup was chicken noodle and worked out really well. A touch of cayenne pepper certainly helped, giving chicken noodle a little bit of that "fighting Winter colds" heat we all need this time of year.

I also finished off the Star Trek Picard series this week... and it was... fine. I did subtitle the entire third season "Everybody Gets A Paycheck"... because I didn't completely realise what was happening until it was actually happening... but not only were the core TNG cast all in attendance, but also a few other people who had shown up in various shows previously, plus LeVar Burton's real life daughter playing one of his on-screen daughters.

Everybody gets a paycheck.

I can see why people had issue with it though. And, honestly, it's the worst of the three seasons. And there are story elements from the previous two series that just get shoved out the window in order to basically do TNG Cast Reunion. If this had been the only season... then, yes, absolutely, this would have worked. But it just feels weird after the other two.

Also, the ultimate Season Villain was... underwhelming.

But I'm glad I watched it even if it doesn't stick the landing.

This week is a dive into the world of John Wick... I've seen the first one, but none of the sequels, so we'll see how that goes.

After last week's footling around with crochet, I made a whole arm cuff/wrist warmer/fingerless mitten thing with the other red yarn I got for my birthday. Is it perfect? No. Did I look at several patterns and mostly ignore them all and basically just made a rectangle and worked out how to join it together and leave a thumb hole. I'm now working on the second one. And then maybe there might have to be a matching hat.

There was no Friday Night D&D because people who aren't me were sick or live with people who were sick... 


Today there was too much rain. I mean, there was the usual shopping, but after we got back here, literally the whole day's worth of rain arrived and just stuck around until Ma left and then stopped.

I am not, however, suggesting causation.

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