4 February 2023

photo saturday: valour vs thorns

emerald valour
league of thorns

Ten times the fun for this week's DnD Character Colouring Book. The two groups of NPCs I have a makeover to for our Wild Beyond the Witchlight campaign. Because it made no sense to me that these groups were just characters that had been action figures in the 80's. So fuck that noise. Now they're actually fey related folk.

And they also slotted into the backstory for one of the characters, or, at the very least, they were attached to a character from her backstory.

Most of them came together relatively quickly. Although I think Nyssa had the most "do-overs" before I was happy with her, and I do very much like her in her purple velvet.


I started walking in the mornings again. Mostly because my chiro told me to. And it's not like it's a grand hike, it's literally just "around the block", for the specific definition of "the block" and "around" I'm chosing to do.

I did also work out very quickly after the second day why I stopped. When my knee started complaining. But I kept it up all week. Even if on Thursday I did a smaller version of the block because I couldn't remember if I'd left the tap on in the sink.... and Friday it started spitting with rain, so I piked out early, which was a good choice because about 90 seconds after I got home it poured down with rain.

Because it's February, but the weather is behaving like it's June. What the hell.

Mostly it was good to be listening to podcasts again, honestly.

Oh, and brief sidebar. I'm currently halfway through my current Goodreads Reading Challenge for 2023. I did what I've done the last several years, listing 24 books as my target. And I've currently read 12 books this year already.

So there's that.

Thursday Night DnD was... fine. The problem mostly is that we're kind of twiddling our thumbs in this early section, because we're not actually into the published adventure yet. And I only say twiddling because I'm not really a big fan of the exploration thing we're doing right now.

But we'll get there.

Friday Night Not DnD was fun. And somehow the second level was easier than the first level. I'm sure that won't continue.


Today was just the supermarket trip.

Current mood:

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