25 July 2020

photo saturday: halfling clerics

war cleric - littlefootknowledge cleric - otho
I'm obsessed with halflings. Of all my characters, the largest percentage are halflings (I mean, not by much, but it is where I gravitate). I just love the little fuckers.

And I wanted a halfling cleric, so what's the most sensible option? Make two and play the one you're feeling the most at the time I hear you say. Absolutely.

In the end I chose Littlefoot (on the left), the War domain cleric, who goes by her surname and is essentially a halfling policewoman, mother of twins and the definition of big Mum energy. I always describe her without her helmet as having a very plain face, a nose that has been broken at least three times and a sensible haircut. She's also the character who proved why pulling a strange lever in the creepy temple is totally a bad plan, because her head literally got chopped off. I mean she's fine, because death is never really the end in DnD, but I also haven't played her since then.

Otho on the other hand... I love his design, I love the freckles and the scar and at least some of the back story I came up with. He might need a little bit of a rework before I actually play him though. Or else I just need to tweak some details. And work out if I actually like the Knowledge domain. Or if I need to rejuggle things and make him a Grave domain cleric. Which honestly fits his concept so much better.

Also, yes, totally the same pose on both of them.

Every time I make chilli I always make what can only be described as a metric fuckton. I mean that's great, but there was a lot of chilli. And it was pretty good. Many beans, two kinds of mince. All the spices. And great with rice, mashed potato, pasta and your basic corn chips.

And I totally turned into an infomercial right there for no damn reason. Sorry about that.

This week's DnD was Wednesday and Friday... and honestly, we nearly had two total party wipes. I mean, it was kind of exciting, but also terrifying. The Friday game was weird, just because one third of our party wasn't there, because we're between characters with him. But we meet the new one next Friday, which will be interesting.

It's also super weird when you know your character is kind of in love with another character but you're pretty damn sure the player doesn't have any clue. I mean it's great, and I kinda want to get to the end of the adventure before it comes out. I also don't want to fuck up the great relationship they have either, because it is definitely awesome. And there are just these role play moments between them that I totally love.


I also went through a box of tchotchkes of various descriptions, a box I haven't been through possibly in... four years. Maybe. But I found some stuff I had totally forgotten about, some stuff that I knew I had but didn't know where the fuck I'd put it and some stuff that definitely needs to find a proper place outside of the box.

Friday was Chiro day, so I did the city trip thing... so there was that.

Today Ma was getting her hair did, so I did the shopping thing on my own. On the menu for this week is... fucked if I know... some kinda vegetable soup, honestly. I don't have a full on plan.

Then I came back, unpacked until Ma turned up, we futzed around here for a bit, then took a trip to Spotlight for no really real reason, then called it a day.

Current mood:

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